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How to use Maya Asset Importer Plugin

A23D Maya Asset Importer plugin provides a one-click import functionality for 3D models and PBR Textures into Maya while preserving all the data.

If you find any difficulty in using the plugins or figure out any bugs, please get in touch with us at

This guide shows how to download, install and use this plugin. Follow these steps to download the plugin, properly install it in the Maya application and use it to import assets.

Downloading the plugin

Visit our Plugins page using this link and download the latest version of the plugin compatible with your installed Maya version.

Unzip the downloaded file after the download is completed. You will see a (.py) file in the extracted folder.

Installing the plugin

For a video tutorial, please visit this link.

  1. Copy and paste the .py file in the plugin install directory for Maya:
  • $HOME/maya/<_version_>/plugins on Linux
  • $HOME/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/<_version_>/plugins on MacOS
  • \Users\<username>\Documents\maya\<_version_>\plugins on Windows
  1. Launch Maya and go to Windows > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager. image
  2. Click on Browse to locate the folder where you pasted the .py file. image
  3. Locate the file on your computer and click Open. image
  4. Tick the Loaded and Auto load checkbox to automatically load the plugin when Maya is launched. image

Using the plugin

For a video tutorial, please visit this link.

  1. You can access the plugin from the top menu bar under the A23D menu. image
  2. Click on Import A23D Asset and locate the asset which you want to import.
  3. Click Import Assset button and the asset will be imported into your Maya scene.

Note: Our plugin will create materials depending on the currently active render engine in your Maya scene.